Jen Groover gives her advice in a small business article in the Wall Street Journal.
Jen Groover will be a guest on MSNBC’s Your Money Your Questions. She will be talking to other entrepreneurs giving them advice on how to make their business amazing!
Jen will be appearing on Fox News Channel’s Strategy Room 3-4pm.
Jen Groover discusses her new book “What If? & Why Not?” and how to be creative in trying to start up your own company on Fox 29’s Good Day.
Jen Groover will be speaking at the Ladies Who Launch event called “2010: Launch Into Your Best Life Yet!”. She will be talking about how think BIG and GO FOR IT no matter what.
Jen will be appearing on Fox News Channel’s Strategy Room 3-4pm.
Read the article “From handbag designer to TV personality: How Jen Groover built an Empire.”
Jen Groover was interviewed by Fox Business Network’s Tracy Byrnes about how to use social networking sites properly to make them work for your business.
Jen Groover will be interviewed on MSNBC\’cds \’f1Your Business.\’ee
Jen Groover appeared on NBC Philadelphia’s The 10! Show to share tips from her new book “What If and Why Not?”